- WonStudent Union Special Award: The most active and academically successful student in the university (06/2014)
- Ranked 3rd at the IBM Smarter Istanbul Competition (05/2010)
- Won the Best Speaker Award at the debate tournament at Ozyegin University (03/2010)
- Accomplished the 1 st placement Award in Marmara region with a prototype called 'Hydphometre' to measure the angle of light reflection in the liquid materials in Tübitak's competition (05/2009)
- Ranked 1 st place with 'Chemical Carrier' and 'Bionic Hand' projects by Science Festival (2007, 2008)
- Ranked 2nd and 5that Akdeniz University Robotics competition in Mini Sumo & LFR with team (05/2014)
- Ranked 3rd among 42 students in the Engineering Faculty (06/2014)
- Won “Golden Agent” award for contribution to the university culture via student activities in Science (05/2011)
- Ranked 3rdat the Airties smart mesh technology video competition (04/2013)
Granted with a High Honor Certificate for his Academic Excellence in the following semesters in Bachelor of Science
in Electrical - Electronics Engineering (06/2014)
Spring 2013/14 Semester *** Spring 2012/13 Semester *** Spring 2010/11 Semester
Fall 2013/14 Semester *** Fall 2012/13 Semester *** Fall 2011/12 Semester *** Fall 2010/11 Semester
Ranked 3rd in the Short Film Competition held by Library of Özyeğin University in celebration of the 47th Library Week. Film name 'A reality in the Library' Team partner: Aydın Emre Güzel (04/2011)
Ranked 2nd in the Viral Advertisement Competition held by Ozyegin University (06/2011)
Ranked 3rdin the Elevator Pitch Competition held by Özyeğin University in observance of the Global Entrepreneurship Week. The aim of the competition is to express your business idea in 60 seconds to a business man and take the attention for the next meeting. (11/2011 )
- Ranked 3rd at IZTECH RoboLeague in the category called Design & Build a Robot in 24 hours , with team (10/2014)
Ranked 3rd in the Business Plan Competition held by Ozyegin University in observance of the Global Entrepreneurship Week. The project was called 'Secure Charge Station' Team members are: Gökçe Gökbalkan and Aylin Esra. (11/2010)
Ranked 3rd in the Photo Contest of Environmental Pollution category by CEKUD (06/2008)
- Designed the hydrogen powered model vehicle and ranked 1st at the competition of International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (05/2008)